Sunday, January 29, 2006

Decided to run a 10k on the treadmill this Sunday morning. I wasn't sure how it would go since I drank a bottle wine last night while watching the 40 year-old Virgin ... what a hoot. I bought a bottle of Beaujolais, but Isabelle didn't drink much since she was very tired. I polished it off before the movie was over.

The running went fairly well, despite waking up dry from the boozing. I ended up sprinting the last mile because I felt I wasn't going to make it under an hour; I did. New sneakers seem to be doing great.

Today's run: 6.25 miles (10 kilometers), 59m 19sec, 9.3 minute/mile, 6.4mph
miles this month: 18.25
miles this week: 11.25

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Worked out at the gym today. Chest, triceps and quads.

Burped last night's beer all work out long. La Maudite, 8% volume beer. Great stuff.

Times worked out this month: 1

Friday, January 27, 2006

I gained 35 pounds after I stopped smoking three years ago. I weighed 221 in early May of 2005. I finally decided to join a gym because I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't think I would stick with it, but I started eating better and training 5-6 times per week. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months and have since lost another 5.

I've been running a lot lately on the treadmill in my gym. I've started looking into long distance running lately and trying to make sure I don't get injured. I still have a lot of learning to do. I ran 8 miles a few weeks ago. I can't wait for the snow to melt so I can go running outside - I live in Eastern Canada.

I felt like setting up a log to track my running progress and mileage I got a new pair of Asics in Moncton last weekend. I think they'll be great. I used to run with Nike's but I got a bunch of blisters on my toes. I ran 3, 4, and 5 miles (today) and I can't complain yet.

Today's run: 5 miles, 47m 37sec, 9.3 minute/mile
total miles this month: 12
weight: 186